investor relations
We create and commercialize diagnostic technologies that combine photonics, molecular biology, immunochemistry and biomedical engineering.
The company
SDS Optic S.A.
ul. Głęboka 39
20-612 Lublin, POLAND
- NIP (Tax Id. No.) 7123279546
- KRS (Business Id. No.) 0000786821
SDS Optic S.A. creates and develops innovative medical devices for real-time diagnostics in cancer and infectious diseases. The company, as a medtech-bio powerhouse, intends to cluster and commercialize selected innovative scientific projects related to the photonic and optoelectronic technologies in medicine at various stages of their development.
The main project of SDS Optic is inPROBE®, a fiber-optic microprobe for breast cancer diagnostics.
Corporate Documents of
SDS Optic S.A.
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Company Reports
Transparent communication and reliable reporting are our key objectives as a public listed company. We are happy to conduct a dialogue with current stockholders, as well as with people interested in our technology. We regularly publish the current reports and news on our website and on social media.

Investor's FAQ
The decision is yours. It is absolutely worth becoming familiar with our business activities. The inPROBE fibre optic microprobe for diagnosing HER2-positive biomarkers is innovative and unique on a global scale. We are a modern company, and our interdisciplinary team of scientists and specialists every day proves that the inPROBE technology has a future ahead.
On our website and in social media channels we focus on transparent communication to allow each visitor to form their own opinion about us.
Follow our profiles to stay up to date with the current events:
1) Twitter:@SDS_Optic
2) Linkedin: @SDS Optic Inc.
3) Facebook: @sdsoptic
4) YouTube: @sdsoptic
5) Twitter inPROBE: @OncoMicroprobe
6) Facebook inPROBE:@inprobemedtech
The pandemic, rising inflation and events beyond our eastern border are unquestionably leaving their mark on the economic situation and share prices worldwide.
In Poland, the biotechnological sector is constantly on the rise, closely combining innovative fields of science with business. Med-Tech and Bio-Tech projects require patience, but offer attractive profits in the long run. Our observations show that Polish investors are aware of this fact and are more willing to invest in biotechnological companies.
We do not comment on the movements in share prices of SDS Optic S.A. Regardless of the stock market situation, our priority is to implement our strategy and achieve new milestones in order to ultimately deliver a validated and safe product. In this way, we fulfil the promises given to patients, doctors and shareholders.
To this day, we had invested over PLN 54 M and raised almost PLN 60 M. These funds come from private investors (e.g. seed funding and venture capital) and public subsidies (e.g. the highest subsidy in the history of Polish companies from the SME sector of nearly EUR 4 million from the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 program).
Project development is also possible thanks to our shareholders. In June 2021, as part of the D series share issue, at the pre-IPO stage we had received PLN 11 M from private investors, e.g. renowned global investment funds. At the beginning of 2023 we conduct another public offering round and
The last issue was in February 2023.
We do not exclude new issues as this is a natural stage in the development of all biotechnological companies. We already talked about this openly at our meetings and presentations at the pre-IPO round. Now we have secured funds for several months of business operations. We also have new tranches from the EU subsidies, which gives the prism of autonomic operations for a long time and ensures the achievement of our milestones.
The exact date of the next issue has not been arranged yet. We are now focusing primarily on the consistent achievement of our milestones and on building the Company value. Any changes in this respect will be announced in our current reports.
inPROBE is currently being developed for detecting HER2-positive biomarkers in breast cancer. The project is at the stage of clinical studies, which will take several months. At the same time, we are implementing the inPROBE commercialisation process.
The completion of R&D works is scheduled for the end of 2023/beginning of 2024, and consists of clinical studies and a comprehensive process of ISO 13485 certification and EU-MDR compliance for the European Union markets. The value of the remaining part of the investment is about PLN 5 million, and we have already secured funds for this.
Investor Calendar
The Management Board of SDS Optic S.A., with its registered office in Lublin (“the Company”, “the Issuer”) announces the publication dates of periodic reports in 2023:
Quarterly report for Q4 2022 | 14 February 2023 |
Quarterly report for Q1 2023 | 10 May 2023 |
Quarterly report for Q2 2023 | 14 August 2023 |
Quarterly report for Q3 2023 | 13 November 2023 |
Annual report for 2022 | 31 May 2023 |
Any possible changes in the publication of periodic reports will be made public as a current report, according to the principles set out in Article 6 section 14.2 of the Annex No. 3 to the Alternative Trading System (ATS).